
Health, Safety & Hygiene

Child Protection

All members of staff receive training in child protection as part of their induction training. All members of staff are instructed in the specific procedure for Nursery, especially with regards to disclosures and suspicions of child abuse.

Accidents and Incidents

All members of staff receive first aid training as part of their induction training; in addition, all members of staff are instructed in the correct procedures for dealing with accidents and incidents including completion of documentation. The setting has separate accident and incident folders which are used to document each accident and incident that takes place in the setting.

Emergency Procedure

All members of staff are trained in the emergency procedure as well as first aid training.

Administration of Medications

All administration of medications is strictly controlled and done in accordance with the Medicine Administration Policy and Procedure

Personal Hygiene

All members of staff and children are encouraged to maintain an acceptable level of personal hygiene, and procedures are in place to ensure that standards are met.

The Premises

Members of staff check the premises each day to ensure that there are no risks or hazards that would compromise the health and safety of the children, parents and staff. At the end of the session members of staff ensure that the premises are left clean, safe and tidy.


Nursery operates a strict no smoking policy, the no smoking policy also applies to parents and visitors to the setting; Nursery believes that this is in the best interests of the children and staff.


Members of Staff

All members of staff at Nursery are screened thoroughly by management before commencing employment.


Upon entry to Nursery all children are registered and are not permitted to leave the premises until they have been collected by an authorised adult.

Children are not permitted to open outside doors.